

Aside from testing and adding chemicals, it’s important to keep the water free from organic matter such as leaves, grass clippings, bugs and a buildup of algae that can occur over time. These routine tasks can help you maintain a clean, healthy pool environment.

Empty skimmer baskets

Every day, check the skimmer baskets for debris and empty them. Pull out the baskets and dump the contents, then rinse them out with pool water or a hose. This will help keep the filter and pump running properly. A clogged skimmer basket will impede the flow of water running through the system. You should also use a pool net on a long handle to skim any debris from the surface of the water. Keep it handy, as you’ll need to do this nearly every day to keep the surface clear. Do not rely on the skimmer baskets to clean the surface. Do this regularly and your pool will be inviting to use at any time.


If you plan to do the routine tasks yourself rather than hiring a cleaning service to keep your pool clean then you will need to vacuum. Generally, you attach the vacuum to either the skimmer so the filter helps suck the debris through the filter, or to a garden hose that deposits the debris from the bottom into a bag that you empty. Either system works well but only if you vacuum at least once a week so you stay ahead of the job.

Vacuum the entire bottom of the pool and pick up any debris along the way. Your pool professional can help you decide which vacuum is right for you and teach you how to operate it. There are plenty of options for automatic vacuuming systems that travel along the bottom of the pool and do the clean up for you. If you plan to go this route, ask your pool professional for the right model to handle the task for your type and size of pool.

Brush the sides

It’s necessary to brush the liner or tiles on a concrete pool at least every two weeks to keep algae from building up above and just below the waterline. To do this, you’ll need a tile brush and specialized pool tile cleaner that works well on vinyl, tiles and fiberglass pools. Apply the cleaner and brush above the surface of the pool walls until clean. It’s not recommended that you use household detergent for this job, as you don’t want those foreign chemicals in your pool.