Test the water in your pool


You must test the water regularly, at least once a week. But don’t worry, you do not need a degree in chemical engineering to do this. When you buy your pool, you must get a test kit that generally includes color-coded strips to dip in the water and compare the results to the colors on the container.

Another type of testing kit requires that you fill a vial with pool water and add a few drops of liquid reagent or tablets that will color the water. You then compare the color to the colors on the container. With either kit, the colors will give you a reading indicating how much sanitizer, pH or alkalinity your water requires to bring it up to a healthy level.

There are some basic rules when it comes to testing your pool water. First, you should always use a fresh kit every season and rinse the testing materials with pool water after testing. Always be sure that the filter is running for about a half hour before testing. Use the test kit in an area of the pool that is not near the skimmer or in a corner of the pool where the water may not be fully filtered. Dip the strip in the water or collect the vial of water at least a foot or more below the surface.

Do not pour the test materials into the pool water after testing and store the kit in a dry place out of direct sunlight as the testing agents can be altered by direct sun. “If you don’t do this religiously, then hire someone to do it,” says Chris Polito, co-owner, Pool Environments.