Bean Tips


Should be directly sowed into your garden and shouldn’t be grown as transplants. Be sure not to plant bean seeds too early as they may rot due to cold weather and moist soil. If you insist to start early place a black tarp over the soil to warm its temperature. For Bush bean varieties try a continual planting schedule by sowing a seed every couple weeks which should give you a consistent harvest. Plant bush seeds every 12-18” and be sure to water consistently until germination occurs then every few days. For pole varieties they will need some time to grow their vines but will produce continuous harvest for a couple months. Pole beans need some type of support so be sure to have a trellis or fence ready before planting. Plant seeds every 4” and supply moist soil. Add fertilizer halfway through their growing season.
Suggest Varieties:
Topcrop – A great bean for canning and freezing.
Slenderette – One of the best tasting home garden beans available.
Contender – Very productive and needs little care.