Beneficial Garden Companions


Grow companion plants as a border around other plants, or mixed within rows or throughout a bed.

Basil: enhances growth, repels flying insects; plant with lettuce, peppers, tomatoes.
Beans: deters potato beetles, fixes nitrogen; plant with cabbage family, corn, eggplant, lettuce, marigolds, petunias, potatoes.
Carrots: keep away from dill; plant with lettuce, marigolds, onions, parsley, tomatoes.
Cabbage family: keep away from strawberries and tomatoes; plant with aromatic herbs, chamomile, marigolds, onions, nasturtiums, potatoes.
Cucumbers: keep away from sunflowers and potatoes; plant with lettuce, nasturtiums, onions, peas, petunias, radishes.
Geraniums: repels cabbage worms, Japanese beetles; plant with cabbage family, grapes.
Lettuce: compatible with most garden plants; plant with beans, cabbage family, calendula, carrots, onions, peas, pansies, radishes.
Marigolds: repels aphids, potato and squash bugs; mass plantings kill nematodes; OK to plant with all garden plants.
Onions: deters many pests, masks plant odors; plant with most garden plants, except peas and beans.
Peas: fixes nitrogen; plant with carrots, corn, cucumbers, potatoes.
Peppers: keep away from fennel; plant with basil, carrots, onions, parsley.
Radishes: repels cucumber bettles; plant with carrots, cucumbers, squash.
Tomatoes: keep away from fennel and potatoes; plant with basil, carrots, chamomile, marigolds.