Fresh green lawn


There is nothing like the visual impact of a fresh green lawn, when your property is on the market. It immediately makes the entire house and garden sparkle. Turf needs lots of sun, water and really good drainage to work well. Sandy soils with fertilizers are best. Follow this simple process:

1.Turn over existing soil and add new soil, conditioners and fertilizers.
Level it off, allowing for the height of the soil next to paths and pavings.

2.Lay your turf as soon as possible after delivery, especially in summer. Always lay turf onto damp, but not muddy soil. So ideally dampen at least 4 hours earlier.

3.Choose your straightest, longest edge, and start rolling! Press the ends and sides of each roll firmly against each other and stagger the joins.

4.Top dress with top soil to help retain moisture. Now it’s time to water. Fresh turf needs to be soaked and kept damp for up to 3 or 4 weeks, until it has taken root.

**And don’t let your efforts go to waste. Keep watering our established lawn and apply another dose of fertilizer in a couple of months.