Geraniums are slow to germinate from seed, so be sure to start your seeds well ahead of your blooming expectations which could take 14-16 weeks from initial sowing. In order to increase germination rates, it helps to soak before sowing. A good method for geraniums is to dampen a few paper towels and fold over your geranium seeds. Place in a zip-lock bag and let sit for 24 hours. Plant a few seeds per pot in high quality soil at a depth of 1/2”. Geranium seeds do not need light to germinate and should have a constant soil temperature of 70-75 degrees. To ensure adequate moisture be sure to cover pots with plastic until you notice green sprouts. When they begin to sprout open plastic to vent and place in good sunlight. Once two true leaves appear (the first leaves are seed leaves), remove from plastic cover. Allow seedling to grow for a couple weeks and then transplant each seedling into its own pot. Keep soil moist and supply 12 hours of sunlight a day. Pinch o top of plant once it’s growing strongly. This will promote branching and full growth.
Suggested Varieties: Elite Mix – True pack-blooming geraniums with rounded heads.