Onion Tips


Onions can be a tricky vegetable to grow. The most important aspect to remember about onions is there are two different categories: long-day and short-day onions. Long-day onions will grow best in northern states while short-day varieties do well in southern states. Short-day onions develop bulbs with an average of 12 hours of daylight. Long-day onions develop better with more sun, around 15-16 hours of daylight. To ensure proper maturation be sure to grow the variety of onion that is suited for your location. Onion seeds can be started both indoor and outdoors but for best results seedlings should be started indoors. When ready to transplant, place onions 3 to 4 inches apart, in rows divided by 15” inches. Onions grow best in rich soft soil, but can grow well in most soils especially with fertilizer. Keep the soil moist and allow good drainage.
Suggested Varieties:
Sweet White Walla – A mild onion that can be eaten like an apple.
White Spanish – A standard large sweet onion.
Yellow Spanish – One of the most popular home grown onions.