Pea Tips


Peas are a hardy crop that can provide an abundant harvest in a limited amount of space. There are four main varieties of peas that are grown in the home garden. Garden peas (English peas) have hard outer shell and must be removed. Snap peas have low-fiber pods and are snapped and eaten before the seeds mature. Snow or Sugar peas should be eaten whole with both pod and seeds. Lastly, Cowpeas are shelling peas with excellent avor. Pea seeds should be directly sowed into your garden in early spring. When the seeds begin to germinate they will need a trellis or staking to provide the necessary support. In order to extend harvesting and yield try sowing seeds every week. Peas plants should be spaced every 5” inches. Peas are heavy feeders and will do best with occasional fertilizer. Too much fertilizer can increase foliage but decrease pea yield. Lastly, keep the soil moist and harvest mature pods to keep plant productive.
Suggested Varieties:
Super Sugar – Original tall snap pea that has been improved.
Oregon Giant – Home garden favorite with excellent yield potential.
Little Marvel – Excellent sweet flavor with high yields.