– provide a refuge for your garden’s feathered visitors but also do double duty as a support for a hanging basket of colorful petunias.
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Succulent Garden Ideas
– a great way to use those glorious shoes I can no longer wear!
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Cucumbers like it hot.
Lettuce likes it cool and shady. But with a trellis, they’re perfect companions! Use a slanted trellis to grow your cucumbers and you’ll enjoy loads of straight, unblemished fruit. Plant lettuce, mesclun, or spinach in the shady area beneath to protect it from wilting or bolting.
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Plant these to help save bees
HERBS lavender catmint sage cilantro thyme fennel borage PERENNIALS crocus buttercup aster hollyhocks anemone snowdrops geranium ANNUALS calendula sweet assylum poppy sunflower zinnia cleome heliotroppe
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Foods and herbs for Arthritis and Other Inflammatory pain!
Turmeric Circumin, the active compound in this spice, is what makes it so powerful for healing. Ginger Prepare by making a tea from the roots. Omega-3 Foods Try freshly ground flax seeds, chia seed (unground) and hemp seeds. Cherries contain substances called anthocyanocides which are very effective at lowering uric acid levels. Pineapple Contains […]
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Herbs that naturally treat and prevent colon cancer
onions ginger rosemary garlic parsley clover chickweed red clover oregano nettle turmeric
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Top 10 tips to grow tomatoes.
#1 Plant where they will get at least 10 hours of direct sunlight. #2 Leave enough space between each plant to allow for air to circulate. #3 Soak you tomatoes at their base once a week, more during the hottest days of summer. Do not spray the plant, water directly on the soil at […]
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