When at the beach, turn your flip flops upside down so that the bottoms are face up. It is a simple trick and well worth it.
When at the beach, turn your flip flops upside down so that the bottoms are face up. It is a simple trick and well worth it.
If you have your electric trolling motor cranked up to 100%, you are definitely turning the odds in the fish’s favor. These motors were designed to run on a slow but constant speed. Slow your motor down to less than 30% to speed up your success.
Saltwater can wear down your reels and your fishing line much more quickly than freshwater can, so make sure to soak them in a bucket of water once you get home.
How to Catch Muskies: Cast & retrieve until there’s 18 inches of line between lure & rod tip. Dip rod tip 6 inches into the water & draw a Figure-Eight (the directional change can incite a musky to strike). Keep in mind, a musky can come from behind.
Sew two car windscreen heat reflectors together and place inside your sleeping bag. It reflects your body heat back onto you so you’ll stay much, much warmer. Just make sure you poke holes in them so you don’t awake soaked in sweat.
Alleviate the problems of line twist on your spinning reel caused by a fresh line. Take your spool off the reel and run it under hot water for 2-3 minutes. This changes its memory to your spool size and enables smoother casts with less twists/knots.
This means a storm is coming. Halos happen when high, thin cirrus clouds are drifting high above your head.
Go Where the Water Turns from Shallow to Deep
For lake and river fishing, go where the water turns from shallow to deep. Fish like to congregate and look for food in this area.
Fish like to congregate and look for food in this area.
Use nail polish and paint an area near the top of your garden tools (so that the color will stand out). You will never loose them while planting, as they will be easy to identify next to the soil.
One of the most common mistake anglers make is not thinking about spooking fish until they are actually fishing. Long before their first cast, they will fire their anchor into the lake with a thunderous boom. Gradually lower your anchor instead.