Upcycle pallets into a bar
What a great way to upcycle pallets into a bar for the patio! Use 2 pallets attached together then use a few stepping stones to create the top.
DIY Decorative Ladder Made With Pallets
Good For Decorating Any Space
You can really use something like this in any space. You could put family photos on it or trophies– Anything! I think it’s awesome outside for plants, but pictures would be beautiful as well!
Easy To Make Natural Stove Using A Wooden Log – DIY
You can also use it at home when you are having friends over and what to have a “camping” party. All you need is: a wooden log, matches, newspaper and an ax. Take the ax and cut the top of the wooden log in quarters (8 inches deep). Fill the new “stove” with newspapers.
You can also use it at home when you are having friends over and what to have a “camping” party. All you need is: a wooden log, matches, newspaper and an ax. Take the ax and cut the top of the wooden log in quarters (8 inches deep). Fill the new “stove” with newspapers.
Try to place your wood stove in a very safe area (so that the fire won’t spread). Take the matches and light up the newspapers. Start cooking! Enjoy!
DIY sprinkler
make your own sprinkler any size you want using cheap pvc materials.