The newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric it will decompose after about 18 months.
The newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric it will decompose after about 18 months.
forest debris – dried leaves, pine needles, and dried grasses
step 1
Build a framework using 2 “Y” sticks and a long ridge pole. Use only solid sticks. Make sure the inside is long enough for you to lay inside.
step 2
Cover the ground inside with 6-10 inches of dry forest debris such as leaves, pine needles and dried grasses. This layer insulates your body from the cold ground.
step 3
Lean solid sticks up against the ridge pole at a 45 degree angle to create a “Rib Cage” framework. The sticks should not protrude beyond the ridgepole.
step 4
Cover the entire structure with a layer of branches. These do not have to be strong. This is to create a framework so that the debris does not fall through.
step 5
Starting from the bottom, file forest debris onto your shelter framework. This will act as insulation to keep cold air out and body heat inside. Pile 2-4 thick.
step 6
Crawl into your hut and stuff more forest debris inside to fill the cavity around your body. Then use more debris to plug the opening in front. Good luck!
Paint some small rocks with glow in the dark paint.
And give your garden or walk way a new look.
Put glow sticks in water bottles, for outdoor nighttime bowling.
– are a crazy easy way to make portable fire starters.
flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden.
toilet paper rolls + dryer lint
Neon Geo Planter adds pop to your plants.